5 Crochet Hacks using Bobby Pins

I have been crocheting for about 12 years now but it was only a year ago when I saw someone using a bobby pin while crocheting. What an amazing, simple, inexpensive tool that is so helpful in so many different ways. I’ve outlined 5…actually 6 ways that you can use bobby pins to help with your crocheting!

Look for the “wavy” bobby pins with a nice open end.

Before I get to the hacks, be certain to buy the right kind of bobby pins. Some are flat and do not have an open end, DO NOT BUY THOSE, they will frustrate you to no end! Purchase “wavy” bobby pins and have an opening at one end. You can see this clearly in the photo below with hack #1.

Hack 1 – Counting Your Chain

Whether you are new to crocheting or you’ve been at it for years, you know how important getting your initial chain count is. If you start off with the wrong count you could be wasting a lot of time ripping out your work and redoing it. Use the bobby pins to mark your chain, every 10, 20, 30, whatever make sense for you and what you are working on. When making a chain of 250 there is apt to be a distraction, marking your chain with the bobby pins will save the day!

Counting your chain.

Hack 2 – Marking Stitches while Crocheting

There are actually a few different hacks within this one. You can use bobby pins to mark the beginning and end of rows. Some people have a hard time keeping their ends straight/even. If you mark the end stitches it will help you know when it’s time to turn.

Marking end/beginning of a row.

You can also use the bobby pins to mark certain places within your piece that will require a different stitch, skip, color change etc.

Marking stitches to add an element, change stitch, etc.

And last but not least, probably the most used stitch marker, is when you are working in the round. Being able to see when you have made it around to the beginning/end of a round can be tricky. A bobby pin in the starting chain or stitch, depending on the pattern, will let you know when you’ve made it to the end.

Marking beginning/end when working in the round.

Hack 3 – Holding Your Place

Use a bobby pin to secure your work, avoid that feeling of stitches being pulled out because the end of your project was not secure. This can cause a lot of frustration especially if you are working a certain pattern, count, etc. Figuring out where the rip-out left off and what you need to do to put it back to where you were will take a lot of time.

Holding your place when you are done working.

Hack 4 – Holding an Applique’ in Place or Holding Pieces Together

Bobby pins are very helpful to hold an applique’ in place. Be certain you put the bobby pin around a stitch of the applique’ and then into the piece you are attaching it to, to hold it securely in place. You’ll see in my video…I missed the applique’ stitch…twice…as I was trying to attach it too quickly.

Hold an applique’ in place for stitching.

Bobby pins are also useful when you have to attach two pieces, squares, sides of a garment, etc. together. Line up the stitches and then put the bobby pins through to secure them and keep everything in place while you stitch them together.

Holding edges together for stitching.

Hack 5 – Keeping your Balls and Skeins of Yarn Neat and Tangle Free

So you finished a project but you have yarn left over. Wether you put it into a ball or have enough to leave it as a skein, the end will inevitable unroll/unwind. Using a bobby pin to secure the end keeps your yarn nice and neat. Make sure to leave a tail as you push the bobby pin into the ball of yarn. When you are ready to use it again pull on the tail to pop the bobby pin up.

Holding and end on a large ball of yarn.
Holding an end on a small ball of yarn.

When securing the yarn on a skein, first wrap the excess yarn around the skein or label and then use the bobby pin to secure the end in place.

Holding an end on a skein of yarn.

BONUS – Hack 6 – Marking Pages/Patterns in a Magazine

Sometimes a pattern starts in one section of your magazine but finishes towards the back of the magazine. If there is a repeat in the pattern there is a lot of time wasted flipping pages to get back and forth. By putting a bobby pin on the pages in between the two sections you will quickly flip those pages together.

Holding you place for a pattern in a magazine.

You can also use bobby pins to mark projects you like and want to come back to!

Marking a pattern you want to return to at a later date.

Bobby pins are an inexpensive way to help you while you crochet. Grab a bunch, put in each crochet bag you have, they will always be there to give you a hand.

See the bobby pins in action here!

Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel, Coach Mel. You will find more crochet videos and a bunch of fitness videos too. We like to take care of your body and mind!

2 thoughts on “5 Crochet Hacks using Bobby Pins”

    1. Hi Linda,
      Thank you, subscription is to youtube channel, click on the Coach Mel’s logo on any of my videos.

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